The lush and tropical Xanadu philodendron is an ideal small planting for homeowners who want little or no trimming.
Xanadu philodendron forms a naturally mounded shape, a pillow of a plant with a delightfully different texture.
The plant spreads out and leaves become more deeply divided as it matures.
Xanadus are excellent planted alone or as companion plants for highlighting other, more colorful tropicals such as crotons and cordylines.
Plant specs
Xanadus grow at a moderate pace to around 3 feet tall and 5 feet wide.
They'll grow in sun or shade (depending how they're grown at the nursery) but vastly prefer a part sun or part shade location to look their best.
This plant thrives in any Zone 10 location, and can handle warmer areas of Zone 9B in a sheltered spot with cold protection.
Some parts of this plant are toxic if ingested. It's considered a deer-resistant plant and generally bugs don't like it either.
Plant care
Choose a well-drained area for this moderately drought-tolerant plant.
Plant with a combination of top soil or organic peat moss mixed with composted cow manure added to the hole.
You'll rarely have to trim a Xanadu - its clumping growth pattern forms an attractive cushion shape all by itself.
Water regularly but be sure to allow the plant time to dry out between waterings. Too much water can kill any philodendron plant.
Fertilize 3 times a year - spring, summer and fall - with a quality granular fertilizer.
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